Friday 13 June 2008

Rihanna: 'I Don't Want Fame-Hungry Friends'

Rihanna is sick and tired of people trying to become her friend just because she’s famous, and has warned fakers that she will uncover their true motives sooner or later.

The Umbrella songstress has been inundated by hoards of wannabe chums since becoming famous, but has grown tired of fame-hungry ‘pals’ using her.

She says: "I have a good bull detector, so I'm good at figuring out who is real and which people want to be my friend because of what I am versus who I am."

And the star doesn't believe in girls longing for a man to make their lives perfect - insisting women should control their own destinies.

She adds: "You shouldn't depend on a guy to make your life better or good at all."